Lui Chia Liang goodness
12 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Shaw Brothers never take a rest with movie goodness. This is just another to add to their list of awesome Kung Fu flicks. What's funny is that I see a lot of reviews trashing this movie. Let me give you the lowdown on this movie and some reviewer advice.

The story is a very interesting one seeing a Pugalist (if I spelled it right} leaving the clan, because of their false claim to be invincible to fire arms. This master refuses to see innocent people subjected to this and leaves for good.

Next he is hunted down by others so he can be exterminated, only to find his kung fu skills have worn down, but that all changes. Anyway the fight scenes are very well put together, and Lui Chia Liang adds some flare with is brothers Gordon Liu and Liu Chia Ying.

This movie is one of the many great films produced by the Shaw Brothers with excellent choreography. Now let me get to the small mined reviews. Some people look at movies to find little things to gripe about. This movie is no exception, if you like action and good fights check this one out.

Don't be fooled by the people with no imagination, this movie was by far a good ride. Listen to a martial arts movie buff vs a person who just picks it up because it's there. If that doesn't convince you, then use this.

Who would you rather make your pizza, that pizza man who owned his business for about 10 years, or that mechanic with oil and grease on this hands?
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