13 December 2005
I really am sorry! I hate saying negative things about other people's work. I really tried hard to like this version of one of my favourites, especially having bought the DVD. Part of the trouble is I think that many of our friends across the pond have seen Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins and think that this is really what us Brits sound like. I'm sorry guys, we don't sound or act like that anymore than the stereotype that all Americans are loud and wear checked trousers. But what can I say, it was flippin awful! I can't blame it on being a musical. The Albert Finney version from 1970 is stunning and I am looking forward to taking my family to see the stage version this Christmas. The feel was wrong! there were gaping great plot holes that Dickens certainly didn't write (where the hell did nephew Fred get all his money from if he was born in abject poverty for a start). The acting wouldn't have looked out of place in a pantomime. And Dickensian England looked a very clean and posh place full of....well....Dick Van Dyke stereotypes!

Now if you want to see how it should be done. Go back to Hallmarks non musical version with our own Patrick Stewart (he was so good I stopped expecting him to say 'make it so' in about 5 mins). George C Scott's version is pretty good and as I said the original musical was excellent.

As I said, I am sorry to be so negative. And to be honest, my daughter loved it! But then she watches Charmed!
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