28 December 2005
Someone reviewed this movie as a "waste of time" because he/she was expecting the "beautiful scenery of Brazil and Portugal" but then everything looked "washed out" or gloomy, or something to that effect. I believe this person missed the entire part of the film. This is reality. The point of this movie is to show that life is not, indeed, ideal, and to show what people go through in their lives for family, love, and survival. A young man leaves his slum in Sao Paolo, Brazil, to go to Portugal to visit his mother's home country after her death. He discovers that not everything is free, and that Brazilians are looked down upon by native people from Portugal. He eventually finds a life, a love, but the story does not end as expected and this is not a "fairy tale" story. The part that got me most was the ending song, "Zeca Bailero (Honey Baby)" by Gal Costa. It fit so well with the movie; especially the ending.
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