I haven't seen anything like this since I discovered the French New Wave
5 January 2006
I've seen this film twice and I am convinced that it is one of the best things I have ever seen. Knowing a few things about the film-making process (I am an editor), I can say that this is not only a unique and well made film, but it is one that should define what a true independent film is. Its not too often you see a film that not only stars its makers but shares their story and illustrates their feelings so well and cleverly. Its as if the film was being shot as their real life story was unfolding- and maybe it was. There's no evidence of a script in this movie, no feeling that a screenwriter sat up all night thinking of the perfect line the boy would say to the girl to win her over. This is a relationship story as awkward and complicated as relationships are for all of us in real life. its great to see this on a screen unfolding to excellent and crafty editing and music. i almost get the feeling that these two met one day and said lets make a movie of our lives starting... now! Its such a great way to tell a story. Arin and Susan really made a film that a lot of us can make, maybe just not as well. They prove that you don't have to be Spielberg or whoever to make a film that is incredible. I recommend this film to anyone looking for a new style, a unique film about a unique love story. This is the type of film that might actually save us from the crap being sold to us on a regular basis. Why this film isn't being exploited and shown on a wide scale is crazy to me. A cult-type film for sure. Check it out.
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