In the Year 2889 (1969 TV Movie)
As good as it gets?
11 January 2006
OK folks - by now, anyone having purchased this gem, most likely did so at one of those everything's a dollar places as a double feature. Cecil B. DeMille it ain't - but surely that's why we gambled the buck - right? I have been looking for this movie since 1970 when I first saw it as a child on "Project Terror" in San Antonio. It scared the complete pants off me. Since that time, and because of my deep seated longing for the innocence of the days of local T.V. horror hosts, I have eagerly sought out all movies that fit in to the Horrific Le Bad Cinema category. Judging this film by those standards, one must give this classic example of a complete waste of perfectly good celluloid, a perfect score. I highly recommend this film - not for your own Mystery Science Theater get togethers - but for the sheer challenge of enduring it "as is" and further widening the palate of your taste for the truly awful.I feel confident that even Mr.Leonard Pinth-Garnell would shed a tear of deeply significant poignancy.
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