October Sky (1999)
Got the movie yesterday, not impressed, now must see it again
15 January 2006
I actually rented the movie to see Laura Dern. Was not too impressed at first until I learned it was a real life story of a man named Homer Hickam from the coal mining area of West Virginia who was more interested in rockets after he saw Sputnik. At that period of time I had just gotten married, stationed in the D. C. area and was watching the sky like everybody else, but saw nothing. Here's the chill part!! I never heard of Homer Hickam until 24 hours ago. On the news tonight, 1/15/06, there was a memorial service for those miners who died in the mines early this week. A man was speaking to the crowd..a name came on the screen, Homer Hickam! 1/16/06. After seeing the movie again, I was moved by the story and really enjoyed it and it brought back memories of that period. Had to change to a 10. I must say, a very wonderful movie, hated to take it back. All were new actors to me except Homer Sr, and Laura Dern. They were all just great and I'm usually critical of new faces.
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