Review of The Aviator

The Aviator (2004)
Could have been a wonder
22 January 2006
This movie could have been a wonder if the main character had been portrayed by anybody else but Di Caprio. I have to confess that I appreciate Mister Caprio's efforts to fit the great and complex character, but its not enough, obviously. He does not succeed in making us forget leonardo and see Howard. The womanizer Hughes was not present at all: Leonardo is shy and appears as such. The "Lolita" scenes with the 15 years old actress is not believable. seduction and Bluff parts of Hughes' personality were not there. Good rates: Alan Alda, mean and corrupted ; Kate Blanchett as Kate Hepburn: wonderful!; John C.Reilly: good as usual in a supporting role; the story. Other bad rates: the coloring choices: interesting but not always relevant (ex: the golf party between Hughes and hepburn).

Please watch it anyway, it's worth it, but it could have been a great movie. Robert Downey Jr did well in "Chaplin" what Leonardo Di Caprio fails here. But it was not an easy challenge. Congatulations anyway for your real efforts, Leonardo.
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