Summer Heat (1987)
Summer Heat
12 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This particular piece of cinematic trash was filmed on location in Tarboro, North Carolina. While the farm wife was out boinking the field hand in the tobacco barn, she left a pot of mustard greens with a streak of lean on the stove... and a little girl wandering around the farm house without adult supervision!

The baby pulls the pot of boiling greens over on herself and has to be rushed to the Quigless Clinic down by the bridge on Main Street. While at the hospital with the scalded child, the woman realizes how much she actually loves her husband and child and feels overcome with remorse over wanting to kill him - but the point is - the baby was still scarred for life because she was derelict in her wifely duties - one of the men ends up dead, too -- with the moral of the story being, once the die had been cast by her lapse in morality and duty to her station as wife and mother - there had to be repercussions.

It is the standard Passion Play where the fall from Grace is due to a woman's lustful nature... a fall that must bring dire consequences on the woman.
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