Eyeball Eddie (2001)
a wonderful film examining the quest for popularity vs. finding the authentic self
20 February 2006
In a half-hour film, director Liz Allen manages to create a world we all recognize--the world of the struggling adolescent outsider seeking entrance to the mainstream--in this case, the wrestling team. Of course, we recognize this world not because we were all adolescents once, but because the themes are universal, and continue to play throughout our lives: what will you do to be popular? How far will you go? Will you be so "blind" as to use your own imperfections against yourself in an effort to gain approval? With a deft touch, Liz Allen has examined these fundamental questions in a light-hearted, believable manner, aided by Martin Starr (at the beginning of his career) , and veteran character actor M Emmet Walsh. The special effects and technical shots involving the glass eyeball are superbly done, and the climactic fight scene is well-choreographed.

This film is a must-see for anyone working with adolescents, and can be used as a teaching aid to spark discussion on the need for individuality and integrity.
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