Surprisingly bad for so many good actors and actresses..
8 March 2006
Here is a movie that went nowhere. Got it because all Laura Dern movies have been good. This one, goes down to a three, just to be kind to the LD record. I watched it after breakfast and before lunch, about 11 am, and it was still hard to stay awake. Mostly about a bunch of mouthy women saying nothing and going nowhere. I'm sure that the director, whoever he was, was trying to make it pay off on the last 15 minutes, where the movie showed, after Richard Gere was caught in the Texas tornado, the actual birth of a baby.. yes, all of it!!! This was horrible!! One of the poorest directed movies ever. Hoppy, Gene and Roy were better handled. Please, Laura, go back to Alexander Payne, even over Whathisname of Wild at Heart.
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