Guilty pleasure TV that left me wanting more
9 March 2006
Point Pleasant isn't high brow television. It isn't art. It isn't even especially clever. But for the most part, the show is a lot of fun.

I picked up the DVDs as I guess I was looking for a post-Buffy fix. Marti Noxon's involvement, as well as the dark supernatural theme, drew me to this show. A lot of the complaints I've heard regarding the show aren't unfounded- it can be a little slow, even boring, in places, the quality of the episodes and acting is variable, and at times the soap opera elements (who's dating who etc) seem to act as a distraction from the overall story, rather than complimenting it.

However, the show does get stronger by the end- a lot stronger in fact. It's unfortunate the final 5 episodes weren't aired upon original run, because the last 4 of these had me glued to the screen. Things are so much more focused, and there are some deliciously dark twists, and a real sense of intensity as things build up to the finale.

A special mention has to go to Dina Meyer (Amber Hargrove) and Grant Show (Lucas Boyd). These guys seemed to be having a lot of fun in their roles, especially playing the darker sides of their characters. You can't help but grin while watching them. Elisabeth Harnois deserves credit also- she seems to be the focus of a lot of criticism, but for me she really got across the vulnerability of Christina (you kinda want to hug her) but is also very convincing when the darker side of her arises.

To conclude I guess there's only one thing to say- when I watched the closing shot of the final episode I found myself really wishing for more episodes. I guess, overall, that's a pretty telling compliment in itself.
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