Review of Joyeux Noel

Joyeux Noel (2005)
Carols in the trenches
1 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Joyeux Noel" integrates a large European cast as the film explores the Christmas Eve truce of 1914, something that has been documented in other films about WWI. Where writer/director Christian Carion succeeds is in the way he presents the material for the screen.

We are taken to the trenches, where German, French, and Scottish troops are seen fighting a fierce battle in which the Germans are showing a superior advantage from their side. During the exchange many soldiers die and are left in the snow covered field as the troops regroup to consider what kind of action to take.

In the spirit of the Christmas holidays the men from each faction are given extra rations, ornaments, and even trees and liquor from each of their countries to celebrate the occasion. It's a wonder to see the German side awash with small trees that are lit and raised over the edge of their trenches. Suddenly, there is the sound of music everywhere and the commanders of each faction come together to declare a cease fire so the men can celebrate Christmas Eve.

It's at this point that the main point of the film is made, as the terrible war seems to recede and all the men come together to rejoice, more like friends, than enemies. It's a lovely moment in which peace on earth seems to be achievable.

As all this is happening, Anna Sorenson, a talented singer, comes to the German side to be reunited with her tenor husband, Nikolaus Sprink. They are instrumental for bringing more joy to the men by joining their wonderful voices to sing traditional songs and carols.

Among the cast, Diane Kruger, Bruno Furmann, Guillaume Canet, Daniel Bruhl, Bernard LeCoq, Ian Richardson, Alex Ferns, and other actors from many countries come together to celebrate and forget the insanity and death that surrounds them.

Christian Carion is to be congratulated for bringing this story to the screen as it shows human nature at its best.
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