Review of 11001001

Star Trek: The Next Generation: 11001001 (1988)
Season 1, Episode 14
Binary success
10 April 2006
ST:TNG:16 - "11001001" (Stardate: 41365.9) - this is the 16th episode produced but the 15th one aired on TV. "11001001" is one of my more favorite episodes of season 1 (and of the whole series) - it really gets to the heart of Star Trek and introduces a species that is quite different from humans - that of the Bynars who always travel in pairs since they need two to decipher their binary code (when interacting with each other and other beings). I really liked the beginning when the Enterprise docked at a Starbase, entering it (and exiting later on in the episode) just like the original Enterprise entering Spacedock in Star Trek III: The Search For Spock - though it's obvious they took the matte paintings from that movie, it is a welcome homage to The Next Generation's past. See this episode, you won't be disappointed.

Trivia: Carolyn McCormick who plays Minuet will be back in the fourth season episode "Future Imperfect".
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