"Your my only friend Mother, you know that." 2 quid for a play-about in the back of a truck?! I wish they charged that these days.
25 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Fiend starts at a meeting of a strict religious cult known as the 'Christian Children Evangelical Crusade' whose sermons are performed by a nut-case minister (Patrick Magee) who is as fanatical & crazy as they come. One of the congregation is missing, that of Kenny Wemys (Tony Beckley) who happens to be a serial killer, his strict religious Mother Birdy (Ann Todd) has taught Kenny that sex is evil so Kenny becomes a messed up avenging angel type character as he stalks the streets & alleyways of London in search of morally corrupt girls like prostitutes who he then brutally murders. Kenny also likes to tape record his handiwork & listen to the tapes back home which is used as a base for his Mother's religious sect. District nurse Brigitte Lynch (Madeleine Hinde) pays regular visits to the Wemys house & becomes both concerned & suspicious about Kenny & his Mother so ask's her reporter sister Patricia (Suzannah Leigh) to do some investigating with the possibility of a big story for her, Patricia soon discovers the shocking truth but will she live long enough to tell anyone...

This British production was produced & directed by Robert Hartford-Davis & is an OK watch I suppose but I didn't think it was brilliant or anything approaching it. First off I have to mention that a prostitute in The Fiend clearly says that she charges a mere £2 for a 'play-about' in the back of a truck, well all I can say is that you wouldn't get prices like that anymore, bleedin' hell that's as cheap as chips, that's inflation for you I guess. The script by Brian Comport takes itself very seriously & moves along at a fair pace, it has a pleasing amount of exploitation elements with it's fair share of dark alleyways, prostitutes, religious nut-jobs, murders & classic cockney dialogue but the story as a whole didn't quite grip or engage me enough, I never really cared about anything or anyone on screen & for the first hour or so The Fiend is all set-up with a few decent murders but then it's almost as if Comport knew he had to wrap things up quickly & introduced the female reporter to uncover the truth just so they had a convenient way to round the story off. The nut-case minister doesn't really feature until the end either when everything sort of comes together, oh & what happened to the CID inspector (David Lodge)? I mean the film starts off with him as the investigating officer dealing with the murders & then features him again in one more scene about half way through questioning a suspect after which he completely totally & utterly disappears from the rest of the film, as do the police as a whole. I suppose that The Fiend is trying to say something about religious fanatical-ism & the power it has over some people, unfortunately it means little as I think anyone watching The Fiend will be more interested in the murders, violence & nudity rather than any heavy handed moral message, I know I was. The Fiend is a decent exploitation film although I found it a bit dull & I couldn't really get into the somewhat erratic story or character's.

Director Hartford-Davis does a good job & The Fiend has a really sleazy atmosphere to it, from the dirty alleyways & backstreet's of London, prostitution, murder, nudity as every victim is naked at some point or other & just the whole look & feel of the film which has to be put down to the grimy, oily, dirty, nasty, depressing, grey London location shooting, I live in the UK & things haven't improved that much... There's a fair amount of nudity but the violence isn't as strong as you may think, there's not much blood in it that's for sure. Some punches, a strangulation, a few dead bodies with one hanging up on a meat hook & that's about it actually.

Technically The Fiend is solid British exploitation at it's best, it's well made & has a great sleazy feel to it. However, the gospel style songs that the congregation sing are cringe inducing. The acting isn't up to much, Magee lets his eyebrows & moustache do the acting, Beckley appeared in films such as The Italian Job (1969), Get Carter (1971) & Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978) while all the females in the cast are pretty cute.

The Fiend is a film that I thought was OK, it kept me watching until the end but it didn't really grab me & as a result I wasn't that interested in it or where it was going. The sleaziness of it is worth checking out since they just don't make 'em like this anymore. Worth a watch but nothing spectacular.
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