Sealed Cargo (1951)
spiffy war picture
27 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is very unique and difficult to believe. However, just from the viewpoint of entertainment value, it is well worth seeing.

Dana Andrews is the captain of a small fishing boat off the East Coast during WWII. They stumble upon a derelict ship that seems to have been attacked by German subs and they board her. The only one left alive is that ship's captain, Claude Rains. They agree to tow his ship carrying rum back to port. However, so much of Rains' account makes little sense that Andrews is suspicious and begins to wonder if the ship was indeed attacked by the Germans or if it actually was a helping the Germans. Later in the film, Andrews sneaks back aboard the ship and discovers its true purpose and soon after this the story gets exciting and explosive.

Believe it or not, the story was inspired by some true incidents involving seemingly harmless ships that actually were refueling and rearming stations. The story beyond that is a bit silly but still interesting.
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