What you'd get if you put any Farelly Brothers movie, and The Naked Gun in a blender.
12 June 2006
If you try to picture that, you'll understand what kind of movie you're getting when you watch this hilarious movie. This is one, that will actually require a second viewing after wards, either because you're laughing so hard, or you don't get most of the jokes. If you don't understand it the first time around, please watch it again. There are a LOT of jokes and gags here, most of them are fall-on-the-floor funny, and even if you don't get it, the movie will still make you smile. I think this is the perfect movie to watch on a bad day. It will cheer you up instantly.

The film follows the ridiculously stupid antics of a team of five Vermont State Troopers, Thorny, Farva, Mac, Foster, and Rabbit, none of whom would really qualify for a bronze medal in the special Olympics (as far as police work goes). These cops' idea of a good time involves playing bizarre, often rude mind games with the speeders they pull over (such as, trying to substitute as many words as possible with the word "meow," and repeating each other's lines), and chugging bottles of maple syrup in the nearby diner. The state cops and the local cops are rivals, and if the contest was for sanity, the locals would win in a landslide. The mayor is threatening to shut down the state troopers precinct, and when a murder that somehow involves drugs occurs on the highway, the inept highway patrolmen find this as a last ditch effort to save their jobs.

Yep, the plot highly resembles something from The Naked Gun, and while the film isn't as great as that, the laughs are nearly just as consistent. Once you see the movie for the third time, you will need to pause the movie occasionally in order to let out all your laughter from the last hysterical gag, and prepare yourself for the next one, which will of course, come probably as soon as you hit the play button.

The actors who play the five troopers are all really talented unknowns (especially the guy who plays Farva), and they should all get more starring roles. These guys really know how to make you laugh your ass off, and the fact that they manage to keep the straightest faces imaginable while doing it is priceless. These guys need more recognition, because as long as these guys aren't acting, lots of talent is going to waste. This film really makes me want to see the other Broken Lizard movie, Club Dread, just so I can see these guys in action again. The scenery in the film is just plain gorgeous, with the beautiful green New England look. It's a happy setting, that totally sets a mood of impending hilarity. From the hysterical opening sequence involving some stoned teenagers and littering, you'll need to duct tape your sides together to avoid splitting. Quoting another review, this film may seriously impair your ability to keep a straight face while speaking to a state trooper. I couldn't agree more. This hilarious film receives an 8/10. Please watch it again if it isn't hilarious to you the first time.

Super Troopers is proudly rated R for Language, Sexual Content, and Drug Use. Sex: 8/10 Violence: 5/10 Swearing: 10/10 Drugs: 7/10
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