Ma mère (2004)
Sub-Freudian garbage
25 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst film I've seen since Gigli. Little or no indication is given of why the male protagonist involves himself in all the sexual depravity his mother introduces him to, which makes all the explicit and unpleasant sex scenes gratuitous and pornographic. The script is uninteresting and unfunny, and the camera-work is nothing to write home about. The film's only redeeming feature is the gorgeous love interest, called Hansie I think, played by Antoine off Eurotrash's daughter. I didn't like Isabelle Huppert's other bad-sex movie, La Pianiste (The Piano Teacher), but Ma Mere easily trumps it for complete badness by making all the sex, befoulment, incest and masturbation over coffins entirely gratuitous. If this is the best these people can produce, then they shouldn't have been making films, and George Bataille should have stuck to being a librarian. This is a dire film, right up there with Ishtar, but too unpleasant for the 'so bad it's good' market. Avoid, avoid, avoid.
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