Review of Bloodlust

Bloodlust (1976)
Disappointing Yet Somewhat Worthwhile...
3 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Don't be fooled people - MOSQUITO THE RAPIST is not nearly as twisted as some reviews would have you believe. To be honest, I think the name alone is misleading, as I don't recall a single actual rape in the whole film...but still - there is something "compelling" about this film...

The story centers around a deaf/mute man who was severely beaten by his father (which caused his condition) and then watched as his young sister was molested by Pops (in a scene that although was not TOO over-the-top...the graphic "old man's hands on young girl's nekkid butt-cheeks kinda bothered me...). Through flash-back sequences, we learn that deaf-guy has been bullied and picked on all his life, and hasn't adjusted too well as an adult. For some inexplicable reason, he finds himself drawn to corpses that he finds at various morgues/funeral homes and plays out different scenarios with them, ranging from stabbing, to head-cutting-offing, to what becomes his personal "favorite" - stabbing them with a pronged tube-like device and drinking their blood. Everything goes down-hill when he starts getting more and more bold and starts leaving evidence behind...

Honestly - MOSQUITO THE RAPIST is a fundamentally flawed film. First off - unless embalming techniques have come a LONG way in Switzerland over the last 30 years, sucking "fresh" blood from a corpse isn't possible. They'd either be drained by the embalmer or the blood would be coagulated - maybe I'm being too picky, but it's true. And again, unless I somehow got a really chopped version (which I doubt) - the MOSQUITO THE RAPIST title is extremely misleading, as there was no corpse-humping to be found - another BIG disappointment. The film also suffers from several dull and unnecessary scenes of Mosquito cruising around town on his little scooter/moped that became boring to the point of distraction (think LUCKER THE NECROPHAGUS and the aimless "walking" scenes and you'll get the picture). The voice-over dubbing is sub-par but passable - I would have preferred to see this one subtitled. The ending is also quite abrupt and leaves nothing really resolved, as though the director had no idea how to adequately end the film and just gave-up.

Now to the good points - Werner Pochath as "Mosquito" was extremely well-cast and believable. He's a creepy guy and he works well in the role. The film itself is pretty well-shot and appears to have had at least a semi-decent budget for being a relatively unknown European exploit film. There's also a weird 70's "charm" about the film that's undeniable.

Obviously MOSQUITO THE RAPIST had a big influence for later necro-themed films such as NEKROMANTIK - but unfortunately, it felt as though the concept was too "ahead of it's time" to be pulled off effectively in this film. As I've been trying to see this film for about a year now, and have heard very good things about it - I was disappointed at the relative lack of "graphic" material depicted. I would definitely say its a "must-see" for hardcore exploit fans, but don't get your hopes up to see any truly sick material...7/10
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