Carnosaur (1993)
This movie was awful
4 July 2006
This movie is the most lousy movie out there, and the sad part is Jurassic Park came before this movie or the same year. If you are going to watch this one I recommend that you get ready to laugh, and when I mean laugh you really laugh because it thats bad. The movie looked like it came from the 60's with the horrible acting and the dinosaurs look like something out of Godzilla and Godzilla is twice the movie then this one. I would recommend watching the second one because that was even funnier then this one, but Jurassic Park and Godzilla beat this movie in the dirt. Please stay away form this movie. If you really want to see how horrible of a movie this is wait until it comes out on the Sci-fi channel or even on Showtime. Don't waste your money on this movie or any Carnosaur movies, even thought the second one was funny, but still don't bother spending 5 or even 10 bucks on this movie it should be destroyed.
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