The San Francisco Silent Film Festival - David Jeffers for SIFFblog.com
18 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Sunday July 16, 2:40pm The Castro, San Francisco

This Boris Barnett film starring Anna Sten is a marvelous slapstick romp with a definite Russian twist. A Moscow couple lists a young girl as their tenant to get a larger apartment from the housing authority. When she takes pity on a student who sleeps in the train depot she tells her landlords he is her husband to claim the room and retaliation follows. Things are further complicated when a lottery ticket she was given as payment wins. The husband and wife are quite amusing. He is short, fat and bald, with a mustache resembling toothbrush bristles. She, is a tall, lanky, bird like creature with wonderful facial expressions. They also employ an odd little cleaning woman that seems to defy gravity as they watch her dust while she balances on the end of a ladder. The two young people, who are actually 'not' married, attempting to sleep in the empty room with some degree of privacy is hilarious!
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