Double Your Lon
25 July 2006
Creaky Ray Kirkwood Production about a man and his niece in an Eastern seaport meeting trouble over a stolen gem. The uncle gets his hands on a rare gem briefly before it is taken from him along with his niece. A colonial policeman, and former/future love interest to the pretty niece, goes incognito as a henchman for the kidnapper/thief with whom he has an uncanny resemblance. This is basically the plot of this short, barely under an hour, cheaply-made production. Director Fred C. Newmeyer doesn't have much to work with here: sparse budget despite the need of an "exotic" setting, a weak, yet spirited script by Norman Springer where the dual roles of Detective Jack Wilson and Butch Curtain are the primary focal points, and some less than inspiring performances. Lon Chaney plays the dual roles and is at the very least a hoot to watch. His Jack Wilson is very good and conservatively played, but Chaney goes all out for his ugly, swarthy, drunk, gambling, less-than-brilliant Butch Curtain. Though neither character gets much depth of characterization, there are a few scenes with Chaney hamming it up as Curtain gambling that I found humorous - while he plays darts a parrot continually taunts him and gets him to eye the bird several times prior to throwing a knife with great accuracy at the dart board. Shelia Terry is very fetching as the lovely niece if nothing else, but none of the other actors are too good nor are they real horrible either. This movie is mildly entertaining but really suffers from the budgetary constraints of being a Ray Kirkwood Production. The title is also misleading as it has almost nothing to do with anything.
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