Not surprisingly, I had some major issues with the 'Dupes of Jacka$$' film. The film was much more stupid and less fun than it should have been.
30 July 2006
I should probably see the first couple of Dukes TV episodes again to see if the movie strayed as far as it felt it did from the TV source. The General Plot didn't see too far off from the typical silly plots of the old show, but I didn't care for most of the casting and re-envisioning of the characters. It just didn't feel like the Dukes to me. It made me long for the *cough* higher quality of the franchise during the days of Coy and Vance Duke. Hollywood needs to spend less time trying to make comedies that make fun of old TV shows, especially TV series of the action packed variety. It's like Hollywood is saying everything we watched as kids was pointlessly stupid and that they intend to urinate on those shows by making a mocking comedic remake to prove their point. The 'Charlie's Angels' films were bad to the extent that they became entertaining. 'Dukes' did not fare so well...

SNL's Dave Koechner (sp?) actually seemed one of the better cast actors. I seem to remember John Schneider being cool as Bo back in the day (I'm curious to hear his opinion on this mess), but SWmScott came off as an idiotic guy who wanted to own the car from the SNL fake CM where people have sex with a port in the rear end. It's alright to love your car, just don't LOVE your car. He seemed more like a ridiculous caricature than a character. Knoxville was just a Jackass much of the time and the safe riding scene seemed like a winking reference to something someone would actually do on his show. Jessica Simpson, as pretty much previously reported seems to be there just as eye candy. Not that I expected her to contribute much besides her looks, Paris Hilton gave a better performance in "House of Wax". Forget the whether or not Daisy should be a blonde question. More importantly, the movie version made Daisy look like a moron, Catherine Bach played her a bit smarter and more resourceful if I recall. Did the original Jesse spend an inordinate amount of his time telling his nephews limerick type jokes? Roscoe seemed way different and obviously so did the newer less bumbling Boss Hogg (cousin of that Space Fights bounty hunter).

The car and the stunts are the only real reason to watch this "Dupes of Haphazard" film more than once unless you forget what Jessica Simpson's hiney looks like. The making of about the car stunts was interesting to see how they fake out potentially dangerous stuff.

I am guessing that the campus cops are a wink wink nudge nudge reference to Super Troopers due to the director's former resume. I really hope Michael Mann put a scene in the Miami Vice film where Crockett and Tubbs track down a drug dealer only to find it is Daniel Day Lewis or some Mohican or maybe Muhammed Ali or Hannibal Lechter, that'd be sooo cool. Don't even get me started on the lame scene with the joke of how Bo & Luke 'converted' to being Japanese.

COMPLAINT ABOUT NEWER DVD RELEASES that applies to this film: One thing I hate about recent DVD releases in general is apparent with the Dukes dvds. There seem to be 3 versions out there a widescreen unrated, full frame unrated and a full frame theatrical cut. So, if you want widescreen and the original cut you saw in theaters you are basically screwed. The unrated cuts these days seem to be just a marketing ploy and not something more meaningful like a Director's Cut which would restore things to films to possibly make a DVD version of a film more coherent or restore violence cut due to the ratings board. So basically 'unrated' releases are often not what you saw in the theater or what the creative team behind the film wanted you to see, but something put forth thanks to the marketing division to try to sell more dvds. Thanks, DVD companies!
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