Big Brother (II) (2000– )
Big Brother rules!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for a fun way to spend your summer involving television then you should tune into CBS'S Big Brother reality show. This is way different from survivor and such because us the viewers can actually purchase live feeds to see every house guest at every second. This show is about a group of people that move into one big house and compete to make it too the end for the $500 000 cash prize. There is love, betrayal, deceit, lies and all the good stuff that makes television entertaining.

Now in the first season way back in 2000, the contestants included a man with one leg, a beauty pageant winner, a guy who loved chickens, and 9 others. In this season two people were nominated each week by the house guests for eviction, BUT unlike seasons 2-7 America voted which house guest out of the two would be evicted. In the end Eddie, the guy with the one leg won big brother 1. He was America's choice.

In season 2 it was a whole new ball game. Tough competitions and lying was a key in this season. Houseguests were no longer voted out by America, but now voted out by there fellow roommates. A new competition was put into play called HOH (Head of household). The winner of HOH would have there own room and the power to nominate 2 people for eviction. The HOH was also safe for the week. After months of fun the evil doctor Will was the winner. The vote was 4-2 for Will

Season 3 showed a new twist to the game called the golden power of veto which gave a person the power to take off one of the people nominated by the HOH. Back stabbing was a key for many players including the devious Danielle. She made it to the end, but the person sitting beside her Lisa won big brother 3. Danielle made so many enemies that she only got 1 vote. The vote was 6-1 for Lisa.

Season 4 was labeled the X factor and the reason for this was that almost everyones ex boyfriend or girlfriend was brought in to play the game. Fights erupted and battles emerged between the exes. In the end there were two vixens Alison and Jun and like Danielle in season 3 Alisn got 1 vote and jun got 6 because Alison was not liked throughout the house.

Season 5 was named project DNA For two reasons, the first was that a brother and sister were both playing the game, but they didn't know they were brother and sister. The second twist was that one house guest was switching back and forth with there twin for weeks. So everyone would talk to one twin and then the other. In the end Drew sold out his trashy girlfriend (that he made in the house) Diane and kept his best friend Cowboy. Even tho drew deceived Diane he still won the $$$.

Season6 which was the best season yet was labeled summer of secrets because what everyone didn't know was that everyone was playing with a secret partner. Howie was aligned with Rachel, Janelle with Ashlea, Maggie with Crappy,oops i mean Eric. The house was divided in two once Crappy was voted out. One side was called the sovereign six (which was everyones favorites) and the other was called the friendship (nerdherd). HOH comps were fun as the power shifted from week to week, including double evictions. In the end two nerds including the dumb founded cow Maggie and the ever so trashy potty mouthed witch Ivette remained. Maggie won for not being so loud. Season over.

Now season 7 all stars is under way. They have brought back 14 people from past seasons. Danielle is more devious, Diane is more trashy and Marcellas cant stop whining. All I have to say is let the fun begin!!!

P. S. Go Janelle and Howie!!!!
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