Lon Chaney Jr as hero and villain in creaky but watchable crime drama
14 August 2006
The plot concerns the Tear of Buddha ruby which the villain wants to get and the owner and his niece want to keep. Low budget independent film thats more than a tad creaky owing to it production rather than its story which does move along at a good clip. Certainly not a great film but it is one that over comes its limitations for a decent way to spend an hour.

Lon Chaney Jr has two roles as detective searching for a criminal mastermind and as the masterminds henchmen. Its good to see him in what would be an atypical role as a romantic leading man. Clearly the two roles was an effort to cash in on his fathers name and while its not one of the tortured roles he was well known for later in his career, he does acquit himself nicely.

Worth a look especially for Lon Chaney Jr fans.
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