20 August 2006
I have only met one other person in my entire life who remembers this show. Even my brother (who watched it with me) doesn't remember it. Thus, it has become obvious that someone doesn't want us to remember it and is slowly doing away with all those who do. So me making a public comment about my memories of it probably isn't a good idea, but I'll take my chances (plus, I'm taking Tom down with me).

So why the hell do I need ten lines of text? So that they have more opportunity to figure out who I am and modify my memory? Alright, this is what I know- purple octopus looking guy. Wore watch. Guy with big brain came out of it. Very colorful. Stupid kids who I didn't like. Up there with Captain Planet. There. 11 lines. OBLIVIATE!

And now they won't let me spell color with a 'u'! I'm Australian!!

And no 'SHOUTING' in summary. Tough crowd.
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