Poor-scripting ruins potential 'sleeper' comedy
22 August 2006
Rented DVD on promises of light comedy with a plain-jane (pardon the pun) Canadian town backdrop, featuring Jane Curtin, a fabulous SNL player (but very under-rated). This satiric story had elements of fine comedy: quirky, large-as-life characters, and problems/conflicts lifted from almost any (somewhat dysfunctional) family with a 'small-town' setting. Sadly, there is a fine line between 'satiric' and 'mean-spirited'. Interactions between the characters become increasingly toxic, aided by airing of deep-rooted conflicts and a free flow of booze.

The language becomes profane and nasty. This is no longer light-hearted fun with a message and a mix of family drama -- this is just unpleasant. We turned it off. Who to blame? Well, the Scriptwriter puts it on paper - the Director tries to bring it to life. It looks like they just don't know their stuff.

Oddly, British producers seem to pull off this kind of humor with apparent ease, allowing older actresses and less-glamorous performers to flesh out some real characters, and tell a great story -- in short, to act. Why isn't it done on this continent very well?
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