Exceptionally creative idea that ultimately falls flat at the conclusion
30 August 2006
I really appreciated the fact that this movie tried so hard to be different. Think about it: the plot is all about an ascetic that stands on top of a pillar in the desert for years and is tempted by the devil. This is just plain weird and deserves an 'A' for originality. Although his encounters with pilgrims and different incarnations of the Devil are very entertaining and interesting in a Surrealistic way, the end of the film will be for some a triumph of Absurdism (the director's trademark) but others will feel the film just abruptly ends in a very dissatisfying manner. I fall in the latter category. Instead of seeing the "non-ending" as great, it looks sloppy and unsatisfying--which I'm pretty sure was the director's intent. So, I would recommend this film only to those that can appreciate the weird and are definitely searching for something different. As for me, I'm glad I saw it once but that's really enough. If I want a weird film, I would much rather see HAPPINESS OF THE KATAKURIS or MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL. I know that makes me low-brow, but so be it.

By the way--a word of caution: this film is sure to offend many religious people as Buñuel was pretty contemptuous of organized religion. This, plus some very brief nudity make it a film that you wouldn't want to show the kids.

ANOTHER "By the way"--the videotape of this film was terrible--featuring a washed out print and white captioning that, at times, was almost impossible to read. So, if possible, do NOT get the Video Latino brand of the film.
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