Corporate (2006)
Interesting story, well-acted
2 September 2006
I found this movie to very entertaining. It could have been directed in the Ram Gopal Varma manner with nothing to disrupt the flow of the plot. Too bad that Bollywood fans only really reward masala movies. It dissuades people with good stories from relying solely on them. This was a serious role for Bipasha so they couldn't have doing her usual naach routine. But the main thread of the story, of the trench warfare between large corporations was gripping and well-presented. I think the fallout where assistants took the fall for policies they fought is quite realistic. Only in Japan do you ever seem to see the persons ultimately responsible taking their responsibility. Elsewhere the rationale seems to be "I don't have to, therefore I won't". The script didn't cop out on that point which earned it some respect.

I think this is the first meaty role I've ever seen Rajat Kapoor do, and he did it well. Bipasha's role was atypical, and she fit into it way better than I had any right to expect. Same with Kay Kay. I've worked for many decades in corporations, and the whole thing rang true to me.

I give it four out of five stars.
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