Haven't we really said all we needed to with the first two "I KNOW" movies? Must we "ALWAYS"?
7 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is, for those who don't know, the third installment of the I Know franchise. This one follows a group of teens who hear of the legend that a man in a slicker with a hook takes to killing people every July 4th. They stage an attack at a carnival which leads to the accidental death of a young man, so they decide to cover it up. The cops and everyone else thinks that there is a madman out there who is responsible. They destroy the evidence and make a pact never to tell the story. But surprise surspise one year latter they start getting threatening messages that someone knows their dirty little secret. They do have a nice little "who is the killer" mystery going but the film fell HARD with the reveal of the killer. Here it is...IT IS THE GHOST OF THE KILLER FROM THE FIRST TWO BLOODY MOVIES! What the *rhyms with PUCK* was the writer thinking when he pulled that out of his bottom?!? You don't build up a mystery for an hour and a half and have the killer be someone completely unrelated to the story you have presented to the audience. I'd give the film 1/2 of a star out of four. I was never really a fan of the "I Know" series, but this was astonishingly bad. The big surprise reveal of the killer was mind numbingly stupid! I am ashamed to actually have seen this film. The first ones at least worked on the so bad they're fun level but this was just a mindless retread of the first up until the redic ending. What the holy hell were they thinking. They turned it into a Friday the 13th drone. If you haven't seen the flick yet, please for the love of balls DON'T!
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