English-Canadians are missing out.....
8 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Thank God for libraries, otherwise I would never have discovered this series. It's brilliant, some of the best TV I have ever seen. If you liked the Sopranos, you will love this. The action all takes place in Montreal, with rival mafia gangs fighting it out for supremacy and control of the streets. Nicola Balsamo is a rising star in the mafia underworld, but he is torn between trying to go straight to stay with the love of his life, and living up to his past. The only problem I could see with this series is that it nearly cost me my job, as I ended up watching all 13 episodes on DVD in just a few nights. I kept thinking, "Ok, just one more ep..." I don't know if an English-language version exists or not, but I highly recommend you try to watch it in the original Quebecois French. Although some of the expressions were new to me, the story is not difficult to follow although some of the subterfuges could get quite complex. The characters are interspersed with English, French, and the occasional Spanish speakers, anything non-French is subtitled. Quite a few characters are Anglophones, and just like in present-day Montreal, the French-speakers have to swap back and forth between the languages depending on who they are talking to.

This series was terrific, the tension was relentless, the twists and turns kept me glued to my seat. This is far better than any English-Canadian television I remember seeing recently. We anglophones are missing out! R.
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