Bad even for a Pay Channel "Adult" movie
17 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When "erotica", even soft-core, puts "plot" ahead of titillation (pun intended) the results are seldom good.

The actress playing the main character, Catalina Larranaga, is beautiful and shows some potential as a character actor; unfortunately her attempts at cinematic seduction fall flat.

An attempt at video camera "exhibitionism" almost brings on the giggles. It's a shame that a woman feels she has to do this kind of trash simply to get a SAG card. And whatever potential she has is wasted in a paper-thin, cliché ridden plot. A few more acting classes and she may be ready for prime time.

The director and writer, however, are sub-par film school hacks, the lighting barely professional, and the rest of the cast is utterly forgettable. It almost has the feel of a corporate training video.

The so-called "stalker" sub-plot is the worst of TV stereotypes and, in this I agree with the other reviewer, serves only to add another fifteen or twenty minutes to reach the 90 minutes that's the bare minimum for a "movie".

Bottom line: D+
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