The Ringer (2005)
Keep an open mind
8 October 2006
I thought this was a real "escape" kind of movie. No one expected it to get Oscar nominations - It's purely for entertainment. I really enjoyed how Johnny Knoxville is obviously really connecting with the actors who play the Special Olympians. In one scene he says to someone who uses the word retarded... "I don't wanna ever hear you say that word again, you hear me? I mean it." (not word for word but you get the drift) I honestly felt Johnny Knoxville meant it. Not his character, but him personally. That was nice. I was also really impressed with the actors who played the Special Olympians. If you don't enjoy this movie a little, you obviously don't have much of a sense of humor. (Think one-liners and corny stuff, not Eddie Murphy "Raw") I was also impressed to see the Johnny Knoxville could make a PG13 movie and not come across as an idiot. Good job Johnny, not bad acting either. (I mean there's always worse actors than him out there. Like Jessica Simpson, Andie McDowell, Freddie Prinz Jr, Skeet Ulrich, Jordana Brewster, Paris Hilton, James VanDerbeek, Wil Shatner - yeah I said it... Wil Shanter... Antonio Banderas, Stephen Segal, anyway, I digress) I thought this movie was a nice change of pace form all the explosions and cop movies. I gave it a 6/10 - a good lazy Sunday afternoon movie.
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