Sub-Par Giallo Entry...
16 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I consider myself a relatively big fan of the giallo genre, though I haven't seen nearly as many as some that I talk too - but I figure at this point I've seen enough to separate the notable entries from the weaker ones - and WHO SAW HER DIE? is honestly about the lamest that I've seen so far. It started off well enough and held interest until about the halfway point, and then pretty much completely dropped the ball after that...

A famous sculptor's young daughter comes from her home in London to visit him in Venice. She is murdered while on her holiday, and the sculptor spends the rest of the film running around Venice trying to find clues to his daughter's murder...

Honestly - WHO SAW HER DIE? fails on pretty much all levels. The storyline gets confused and redundant after the daughter's murder, characters are introduced who are thinly explained, and the "resolution" is dumb and forced as though the director couldn't find an adequate way to tie the film together. Scenes of the father running from one locale to the next are dull and repetitive. Even the few murders in the film are pretty weak and uninteresting. As to the couple of minor "good" points - the Venecian setting is nice and adds a bit of atmosphere to the film, and sexy genre favorite Anita Strindberg gets nekkid a few times. That's about all that's going for this one. Not a completely horrible film, but definitely sub-par for the genre, and I would consider this one either for giallo completists only, or a skip altogether...4/10
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