The Twilight Zone: The Bard (1963)
Season 4, Episode 18
One of the funnier entries in the series
18 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Failing playwright Julius Moomer (Jack Weston) conjures up the spirit of Shakespeare (John Williams) to appear in the present in his former earthly form. The bewildered Bard reluctantly agrees to write plays for the inept Moomer who quickly sends them (under his own name) to Broadway Producers. Soon, Moomer is the toast of the town and getting rich in the process. Alas, his fame and fortune are short-lived when he mistakenly invites the Bard to see the production of one of his plays in-person. Naturally, Shakespeare is taken aback by the Method acting he witnesses, and particularly by the artificial performance of one Rocky Roads (a young Burt Reynolds). Method-acting Rocky needs "motivation" for one scene and can't seem to find it---until the Bard provides it for him by sending him flying through a wall with a punch to the nose.

Moomer is forced to return the indignant Bard back into the past. But he's far from finished, however, as he now conjures up Lincoln, Washington, Napoleon...etc. etc. for more creative work.
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