A true guilty pleasure
1 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This hilariously awful film is right up there with old chestnuts like "Valley of the Dolls!" A complete winner in the guilty pleasure category, most of the players are ridiculously miscast,except for Stanwyck, who convinces as the tough, dominant lesbian madam. As with most fifties/sixties films, depictions of sexual situations are censored, or mooted at by dated, silly plot devices (ie, the lesbian relationship between Capucine, a glamorous whore and the tough Stanwyck is never made quite clear). The relationship between Fonda, a glamorous teen aged vagrant, and Harvey, a young Texas drifter is curiously lacking in sexual tension (this may be the actor's fault, as talent was never Mr. Harvey's thing). As a sympathetic Mexican cook, Anne Baxter comes off better, despite being bogged down by an obviously phony accent. In "Wild Side" we are asked to believe that young Harvey is smitten by a cold young French woman (absolutely woodenly played by the lovely Capucine) who has stumbled into a life of degradation. The man makes his way to the city to find her. Despite a drearily predictable plot, the beautiful black and white photography and a great music score compensate for the film's obvious failings. Having never read the book (yes, this was based on a book!) I understand that the script took some real liberties with the original material. If so, it would be interesting to see a remake. There's enough good lurid trashy fun here already-if this story were skillfully re-crafted, a new approach might kick the up the entertainment level another few notches.
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