OK adaptation of the book
2 November 2006
I thought this film was very funny, as I was only born in the year it was set (1985) I would not know what university was like then but it had a good representation of the grotty student flat the pompous house mates and fellow students.

However I didn't think this film fulfilled the full potential of the book as they missed a lot of the thoughts that Brain Jackson (James Macvoy) has. The fact they changed small things annoyed me like in the book Spencer worked in a garage and in the film it was an arcade. Also Rebecca was Scottish in the book. The film also missed the dancing Brian does in the book which i was looking forward to seeing as it was one of my fave bits of the book! I would recommend this film as it does have some very funny moments in it but I wouldn't see it if you really enjoyed the book as you could be disappointed.

Also you can see the sound-mans boom in a lot of scenes which my mum kept pointing out to me!
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