Checking Out (2005)
11 November 2006
This Film exhibits dear irony, shaggy-dog roundabout story lines woven with subtle cultural references, Classic parallels, masterful use of rich saturated color, and fabulous rendition of chase scenes a'la Keystone Cops.

The ensemble work of the cast and entire crew is Charming. Literally. How else could I go on so?

This film speaks to everyone. The deft and poignant use of so many universal archetypes: That's what makes this Film so deep down satisfying.

As a mature student of film, I find Checking Out contains all the vital elements. Sure and Bergorra, it's not the GODFATHER, but would serve perfectly as follow up; Tragedy's mandatory Satyr play that sweetly binds our collective cathartic wounds.

Get thee to a theatre and see this film, you will be treated to a unique masterpiece.
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