A Looney Adaptation of the Dickens Classic
24 November 2006
When I first heard about this film, I knew I had to have it when it was released. The Looney Tunes were always my favorite cartoon characters and A Christmas Carol is among my favorite tales. Needless to say, I had high expectations. Did this film meet them? Definitely.

From the beginning, this is a classic. The opening theme is simply beautiful, but the jazzy score is one of the many high points of the film. This film is full of fun, mayhem, adventure, and cheer. You'll love it.

All of the characters fit into their roles perfectly. You all know the story, so why should I repeat it here? Among the best and funniest are Daffy as Scrooge (complete with the classic Daffy sarcasm) and Yosemite Sam as The Ghost Of Christmas Present.

If you are expecting a pacifist cartoon, look elsewhere. The original cartoons are often targeted by specific groups for being violent, politically incorrect, blah, blah, blah. Don't expect that to change here. There is violence and political incorrectness (the use of Speedy Gonzales and the use of the word Christmas instead of holidays), and Porky still has his stutter. These cartoons have been hits since the early '30s. If you don't want to see the "violence" on shows like this, Popeye, and Tom and Jerry, turn it to Teletubbies.

In conclusion, no, this is not as great as the Rankin-Bass classics or A Charlie Brown Christmas, but it is as good as the specials featuring The Flintstones, Garfield, and Alvin & the Chipmunks. Therefore, it is definitely worth adding to your collection.

Enjoy and Merry Christmas.
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