An Awful, Awful Movie
6 December 2006
I could spend all night picking apart why this movie is so terrible. Unfortunately, it's not worth the effort. Let's just say the characters are one-dimensional, the story is confused and contorted beyond all imagining, and the dialog is inane. Added to this, when the story does finally begin to make some sense in the end, a brand new evil appears out of the woods, apparently unrelated to anything else in the movie, and destroys whatever cohesive thought the movie had.

I rented this movie based on the glowing reviews on the case. Note to self: Never rent a movie recommended by The Montreal Mirror or Horrorview.com. "Home Media Retailing" says it delivers an "intelligent, terrifying story." No, it doesn't. Saw II, for example, could never be accused of having an "intelligent" story - but it is about a hundred times as intelligent as this thing.

Practically every scene features something unbelievable. Not "Oh wow, that's so gross it's unbelievable!", but "nobody would ever say/do that, that's unbelievable!" And the movie doesn't seem to know whether its a supernatural thriller, a "dawn of the dead" movie or a murder mystery. Maybe it thinks it is some of each. In fact, it's just an amateurish stew of competing, dumb plot lines. The movie mostly doesn't make any sense, and when it does, it's predictable and silly.
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