Review of Dead Rising

Dead Rising (2006 Video Game)
VERY disappointing
29 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this game today after all the hype and all the recommendations. Having just signed up to XBox Live I was looking forward not only to going through the game and having a lot of fun butchering the undead, but also to some great multiplayer action online.

The beginning is very long and drawn out, with the player given the gripping assignment of taking photographs as his first task. After a long, boring and frankly pointless introduction I found myself inside the mall, and after battling a few zombies I lost a life. I expected, as you do, to retry the mission but unfortunately the game took me right back to the beginning and I had to start all over again from scratch. I rebooted my 360 and tried to load up the game and was taken right back to the beginning once again where, of course, the player is forced to do the same old boring thing he's been doing all afternoon.

I eventually got to the stage where I had to help one of the humans in the mall avoid a mad gunman, but I found the targeting system incomprehensible. I found it impossible to set my sights on the gunman and shoot at him and, predictably, for my trouble I was shot into tiny pieces.

To cut a very long story short, this is the biggest waste of £50 I've ever spent in my entire life. NO multiplayer option to start with. The perpetual "go right back to the beginning and do it again" problem makes this a turn-off for me. I won't be playing it again. In fact, in the morning I'm taking it back to Blockbuster and trading it in for a game that is more user-friendly and doesn't make you go through the same monotonous process every time you lose a life or try to pick up where you left off.

I know, I know. I haven't gone through the whole game and experience the so-called wonderful gameplay that everybody gushes about, but frankly I don't have any desire to. A major disappointment and I truly wonder why the programmers bothered to put a useless piece of trash like this game on the market.

Regrettably, IMDb does not provide the function for its users to give a mark of zero, otherwise I would have done so. A mark of one is much too generous for this waste of time, effort and money.

Avoid. Please.
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