See No Evil (2006)
Well, He is a Little Better Then Tor Johnson
6 January 2007
In the past few years a lot of R rated horror films have steered away from your standard slasher or monster film and have gone more to shocks by means of torture (Hostile, Saw). In this era I thought we may not see another theatrical slasher film for quite some time to come. That is when See No Evil comes in. See No Evil is as standard as they come from this genre. We have cliché characters, predictable situations, bad acting, bad script writing, bad directing, zero atmosphere, and surprisingly not as much gore as there should have been in a movie like this. Overall, See No Evil should have been a rejuvenation of the slasher film but doesn't make its mark.

Obviously, if you are familiar with the WWE then you know that the star of the movie is Glen Jacobs (Kane), a 7 foot monster wrestler that usually dominates the ring. The movie starts with two police officers discovering the lair of Jacob Goodnight (Kane). One of the officers gets chopped up and the other one shoots Goodnight in the head after having his arm chopped off. When backup arrives Goodnight is gone and the officer is rushed to the hospital. Years pass. The officer now works for a juvenile correctional facility and has a false arm (obviously). A local restoration company needs volunteers to help restore a rundown, humongous hotel. The juvenile facility decides to test some of there inmates and use them as volunteers. What they don't know is, Goodnight is hiding in hidden rooms. As night comes to the hotel Goodnight starts his rampage of eyeball ripping carnage.

Glen Jacobs could have been a fun guy to watch run around slaughtering everyone but the director doesn't try to get any acting skills from him whatsoever. If Tor Johnson were alive today he probably would have been proud of Jacobs, along with Ed Wood. The rest of the acting is just bad. It's hard to tell whether or not these kids can act or not because the script that was written for them is really bad. Example: a scene in which two of our survivors make it into Goodnights lair and they find around 100 jugs with eyeballs in them. Instead of being revolted by the horrific sight all that one of them can say is "Are those eyeballs?". That is the type of crap writing we get with this movie.

Now, as bad as everything is you would think that the violence department would make up for this. In a few scenes it succeeds beautifully, but in most scenes it fails. I know that when I sit down to watch a movie with the subject matter of ripping peoples eyeballs out of there sockets I should expect a gore fest. Instead, we see a lot of off camera violence and some blood squirting. There is one scene of notice that involves a head being impaled that was quite fun but we have to wait till the end of the movie for it.

Now don't get me wrong, after bashing the hell out of this movie there is a reason why I have given it a 5/10 rating. The reason being that I believe that if this movie would have been directed by someone with some credibility, this would have been a really fun film. And with that, I close out. 5/10
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