Review of Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy (2002)
Oh, That Wacky Ted!
21 January 2007
Perhaps the most offensive movie I have ever seen. The first 80% shows our wacky hero Ted doing what he does best - stealing to an inappropriate techno beat (it was 1974!) & stalking honeys. Don't miss the wacky necrophilia montage! And the Colorado lodge murder is set to a synth version of Jingle Bells. That Ted was such a kick! One bright spot in the movie is Tom Savini's performance as a cop who cracks Ted's facade in naming all the victims. It's a good scene and belongs in a much better movie. But at last we get back to fun Ted heading to Florida for more good times.

Then the movie completely changes tone to an anti-capital punishment thesis. The bad ol' state wants to kill our guy! Funny Ted is sad. Poor Ted just a wacky clown brought down by the man. C'mon. If you're anti-death penalty, isn't there a better poster boy than TED BUNDY?? Movie offers no insight into Ted's motives or how he was able to fool so many for so long. And that ending with the kids? Good lord. Just an awful movie.
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