27 January 2007
Samurai Reincarnation is my favorite film. Every aspect of this movie caters directly to my taste. And although my taste is often for the bizarre, this movie is almost always held together by great acting. The story, if you can get passed the totally strange (yet contextually wonderful) opening, is completely engrossing to anyone interested in Japanese myths, history, culture, or just really great ghost stories. Aesthetically, Samurai Reincarnation is masterly crafted. From a battlefield filled with mountains of corpses to the elaborate interior of the shogun's palace, each setting perfectly sets the stage for the story to unfold. The costumes are all beautifully designed as well. Of course, the sword fights! With characters such as the sword fighting legend Miyamoto Musashi and Jubei Yagyu, it would only be appropriate to include sword fights of the highest caliber. And that's exactly what you'll find! Everything in the movie comes together as the complete package for me, and even though it might not end up being your favorite movie, give this one a chance if anything I wrote about above interests you; it won't disappoint!

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