WWE Armageddon (2006 TV Special)
WWE Armageddon 2006
29 January 2007
WWE's last PPV of 2006, proved to be a hit with the fans, but for one reason only, the ladder match which was only scheduled to be Paul London and Brian Kendrick against William Regal and Dave Taylor. But with the recent crap PPV being December to Dismember, WWE knew that it had to do something to get the fans talking again, this proved useful when it introduced MNM and The Hardy Boyz to the mix and announced that the match was going to be a ladder match.

The match was brutal and one of the best ladder matches I have ever seen, but Joey Mercury's face was a total mess. Johnny Nitro didn't even check on his partner, they just carried on like nothing happened, and Taylor and Regal did nothing during the match except hit people with a few ladder shots. In the end London and Kendrick retained the titles.

Elsewhere on the show Kane defeated MVP in a decent inferno match when he set MVP's stupid costume on fire. Chris Benoit downed Chavo Guerrero in a decent match, Gregory Helms defeated Jimmy Wang Yang to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title in a solid effort.

But the main event was a total mess, King Booker teamed with Finlay to take on John Cena and Batista. The action was shoddy and no one cared who Batista picked for his partner.

Overall Results: Kane defeated MVP in an inferno match.

Paul London and Brian Kendrick retained the WWE Tag team titles against The Hardy Boyz, MNM and David Taylor and William Regal in a ladder match.

Chris Benoit defeated Chavo Guerrero to retain the US title in a decent match.

Gregory Helms defeated Jimmy Wang Yang to retain the Cruiserweight Championship.

The Boogeyman beat The Miz in a terrible match.

The Undertaker defeated Mr Kennedy in a last ride match.

John Cena and Batista defeated King Booker and Finlay in an abysmal match.

Overall Grade - B
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