Drive-In Drivel
15 February 2007
High School Hellcats is one of those films from the fifties you took a date to in a drive-in because you had other things on your mind and didn't want to miss anything good.

You didn't in this film. The local high school play will feature a better class of acting than you'll see from anyone here. To be fair the cast doesn't exactly have Shakespeare writing the dialog so they all overact outrageously. And the implied lesbianism of the gang the Hellcats isn't hard to miss.

In fact the worst thing about the film is the lesbophobia implied. A new girl in school Yvonne Lime, coming from that perennial home where the parents just don't understand her. She gets hooked up in a girl gang headed by Jana Lund. When she shows promise, Lund starts saying that Lime might become second in command. That doesn't sit well with Susanne Sydney the current number two.

All's well that ends well as the Sandra Dee wannabe Lime ends up safely with all American boy Brett Halsey and away from that evil group of lesbians.

When this one is aired, pass this by or hold your nose when viewing.
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