Ghost Rider (2007)
wow this movie sucked
18 February 2007
The only thing that saved this train wreck from being a complete calamity was Nick Cage offering charisma in this horribly scripted movie. The quipy one liners do nothing for me. In fact, several scenes became unintentionally funny because whoever penned the script, needs help... and fast! The best example would have to be Johnny's heart to heart with his fist... trying to lure out his dormant powers. This movie had potential. I have come to terms that Marvel movies do nothing for cinema. I hope this movie flops after word of mouth. There were scenes that were so uncomfortable for me to watch, just because the dialog was that bad. " I'm going to fight fire.... with fire ..." Wow. The fight scenes were abysmal. They introduce these menacing baddies who die rather quickly, rather pathetically. Johnny Blaze's younger self looks nothing like Nick Cage. Eva M can not act, and you know why she's there. Her cleavage can only carry a scene so far though. This makes me sad that such drek can be made. This ... movie... SUCKED! Boo
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