More Ignorant Fairies For Ozpetek
25 February 2007
Ennio Fantastichini, a wonderful Italian stage actor, weeps as he watches Meryl Streep in , I believe, "Out of Africa" He also establishes he is not gay but a fagot..."Isn't that the same thing?" "Yes, but I'm old fashioned" is his replay. I wish the tone had been like that, a bit more Almodovaresque. There is a need to be deep in Oztepek's world and that makes everything seem banal. Even death. Well I don't want to be too harsh. The Turkish filmmaker is one of the best Italian directors around but his universe seems to be tiny, tiny, tiny. He has a wonderful eye for beautiful men - Luca Argentero, a veteran from the the reality show "Big Brother" is scrumptious and Pier Francesco Favino is, without question, one of the best actors we've got. But, what was the film about? Friendship? Love? Death? Ping Pong? I couldn't tell and that's why I couldn't get into it. It seemed like a random trip without destination. Maybe that's it, maybe its about the aimless wondering of us humans during our brief stint on this earth. Wow! Around tables talking - with Sierra Yilmaz as a constant comic relief and a couple of wonderful moments. I wish the daringness that is, quite clearly, within Oztepek's range, could go all the way and tell us, in no uncertain terms, what its all about. He has the talent, the vision and the sensibility. Now he needs a story and a full proof script. Maybe next time.
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