Want to smile? Rent this movie!
10 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The spoiler is just a minor comment at the very end...not even a spoiler really, just something I noticed and need to comment on.

The review: I ditto the previous reviewers who raved about this movie. I ran across this film on TV a few weeks ago (I found this site while searching for the DVD to buy, as a matter of fact). I only tuned in because the guide description was more interesting than anything else showing at the time, but I really didn't expect anything too memorable from a 7 year old film that I've never heard of (indy or otherwise), starring no one I've ever heard of. Two hours later I was sad that it ended! Seriously. I thought "Bummer. I want to watch these guys a little longer." I was feeling crabby when the movie began, but that was completely forgotten by the time it ended. I've told anyone who will listen that this is one of the most charming, intelligent, laugh-out-loud-funny movies I've seen in ages. It's a buddy film that's undeniably appealing to the chick-flick crowd too. The chemistry and camaraderie between the two main characters (or maybe more accurately, the real-life friends who play them) is genuine and palpable. You'll be treated to a number of clever celebrity cameos, but mostly you should just expect to be hopelessly drawn to a couple of guys you've never seen or heard of before. The fact that Shapiro and Dozier are the same guys who wrote/lived the story undoubtedly contributes to the movie's charm, but who cares why it works...it just works!

Here's the minor spoiler: Watch for the constantly rearranging living room furniture. It was a little background quirk that cracked me up.
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