Top 10 Questions Liberals Don't Want To Answer
13 March 2007
This show is awesome! And made by the producers of "24" too. Btw, it's sort of like "South Park" in a way, without the profanity and grotesque junk. You know, politically incorrect and sarcastic of pansy "mainstream" liberals who think everyone thinks like them. Love it! I have some ideas for the show. Just give me props if you use 'em, guys!


(1) If humans came from apes, why do apes still exist? (2) Do most liberals drive gas-powered cars? (3) Does "global warming" occur in cold weather? (4) The 9/11 terrorist hijackers adhered to what religion? (5) How many Democrats are in media and entertainment? (6) Is it true some liberal actors promised to leave the United States if George W. Bush got elected and re-elected? (7) Do American atheists purchase items with dollar bills that say "In God We Trust" on them? (8) Can two homosexuals physically produce children after having sexual "intercourse"? (9) Does the Associated Press use the terms "pro-choice" instead of pro-abortion and "anti-abortion" instead of pro-life? (10) Is it possible an aborted child could have become a genius if he or she had the chance to live?
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