Burning for youth
15 March 2007
Twelve and Holding (2005) ***1/2

Twelve and Holding is filled with some of the best performances by young kids as I've seen in a long time. Michael Cuesta directs the film very nicely and the film approaches a difficult subject of how young kids deal with tragedy and death head on. Though the film doesn't rank up there with Come and See, Forbidden Games, or Grave of the Fireflies, this is still a wonderful and delicate addition to that genre. The material in this film could have easily been turned into a nightmarish exploitation picture, but its done just right and focuses intently on the reality of these kids situations.

Leonard's parents seem to be more caricatures than realistic, and there are some aspects of the screenplay which could have used some fine tuning, but overall Twelve and Holding is a powerful, heartbreaking and tragic film, handled oh so delicately by Cuesta and especially the young actors and some of the adults as well(especially Jeremy "Dags" Renner, who'da thunk it).

A very nice little film that deserved a much wider audience than it got.

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